I refused eldership twice!
Never did want to get into the politics of it.
Funny thing though, the elder body seems jealous. I don't have to do the routine mechanical dry in-step that they "have to" perform all the time. I'm free to help shepherd the sheep in my own way, give attention to the ones overlooked by the elders in the congregation, making myself approachable and available which the elders can't do because they are wrapped up with scheduling and paperwork before during and after meetings.
You know what ticks the elders off the most. When we have guests or visitors in the congregation, they always assume that I'm the elder and that the PO or secretary isn't. These elders really don't like being overlooked or mistaken for not being elders. I'm not that old, in my 30's, in case you were wondering.
See. That's only one reason why I don't want to be an elder. Your hands are tied while on a power recognition trip. Doesn't sound like fun nor a privilege to me.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)